Today is our Wonder Day Let’s all gather royal families as we celebrate our Wonder day and thank the Lord for all the blessings we have received! And oh, a celebration as well of our [More]
Hello Class, in todays Class we are taking a look at an Replay of Brave VW vs. DDD a very solid rogue option, so I hope I can help you get some knowledge of that [More]
In this 360 degree video, from Virtual Reality, we live the experience of a walk in Jurrassic Park, until a tree in the middle of the way prevents our passage, and we are surprised by [More]
3d video for 3d glasses, scary videos 360. In this 360 degree video, from Virtual Reality, we live the experience of a walk in Jurrassic Park, until a tree in the middle of the way [More]
This is just a for fun game with Myutant Thunder Dragon Against Virtual World in Master Duel VVV Follow me here VVV Twitter:… Twitch: Discord: Profile Pic Commissioned By : @KercyTheKermet Twitter [More]
From the Synchro Festival! I’ve had Virtual Worlds built for a good while, but this is an especially fun way to play them! Learn how to go second with this deck, as well as play [More]