Welcome to “Sniper Elite Resistance but I Can’t Stop Trolling the Bad German Men’s Boat-Holes”, where we revisit all the high stakes missions we went on together, dismantling the German machine back in World War [More]
I feel like this has to be the best way of demonstrating that the blue chip detector is harmful to PUBG core gameplay values! Get 12 % off on all SteelSeries products when using the [More]
#LostPause #anime #uno Shoutouts to Haruka, Nagzz and Ashley for coming out! SUBATHON IS STILL GOING: https://www.twitch.tv/lost_pause LP Merch: https://lostpausemerch.com/ Free 14 day 1080p HD anime streaming trial here: https://www.crunchyroll.com/lostpause – Send me stuff – [More]