1st attempt – song 10 (the last song) from the Electronic Mixtape release. I played all of these straight through, back-to-back, so I got more and more tired as I get close to the final [More]
twitch streams on Tuesdays @ 4p PST and Saturdays @ 1p PST (USA) Just Dance: Thank you to my two BIGGEST INSPIRATIONS EVER, SincerelyLyn & LittleSiha (please check their LiveStreams out on Twitch! They are [More]
Full map video is coming soon! Thanks for watching! \(◡̈ )/ ❤️💙 To get this map: https://beatsaver.com/maps/67f6 Mapper: jessi81 🔔 Subscribe for more video uploads =) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCke2yR2v1GR6UsKbe08xmLQ #beatsaber #sunshinevr