Half Life Alyx Chapter 1, using Oculus Rift S Virtual Reality on Steam Vr Virtual Reality, Realism, Survival Horror, Scary, first-person shooter, single player, zombies this game can also be played with Oculus Quest 2 [More]
Conviértete en miembro de este canal para disfrutar de ventajas: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxE08139gasePp4jJ1N9N3A/join codigo creador FORTNITE y tienda EPIC GAME store ” TEAM-ERDP “ mi canal de TWITCH en el que podeis SUSCRIBIROS con AMAZON PRIME https://www.twitch.tv/elrincondelpeta [More]
This is a demonstration video for making a 3D model for beginners. Here is the full proces to build a CHARACTER in Gravity Sketch with clothes VR sped by 200% if you like to see [More]
Remember Rainbow Jellies with Leap Motion IR robust hand tracking? Well, that old DK2 Demo still works on Quest 2 if you duct tape a leap motion to the front and use Oculus Link to [More]
v0.44 Shamrocks and Shenanigans Big update! Gun is working again. You can now soot down other ships when in your cruiser. (Video coming soon) Change log. – Added St Patrick’s day event / collectibles. – [More]
Alvo hat endlich den Sprung auf die Meta Quest 2 geschafft. Alvo ist ein lupenreiner und schneller Multiplayer Shooter. Ich habe mir das Spiel für Euch angeschaut. Viel Spaß mit dem Video. 📂 Kategorie und [More]